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About Us
Sparian Biosciences is an early stage CNS-focused biopharmaceutical company focusing on novel, transformational therapies. Diseases of the central nervous system represent a major unmet need but unfortunately have not been at the forefront of innovation and development. Sparian was created to address these needs in a unique and differentiated way.
We recognize the opioid crisis as a key unmet need within CNS. We have in-licensed two programs from the lab of Gavril Pasternak, MD, PhD at MSKCC. The lead program focuses on a the arylepoxamides - a new, potent class of non-opioid pain killers. new class of non-opioid potent, safe analgesics, the arylepoxamides. Arylepoxamides selectively bind to a recently identified arylepoxamide pain receptor target (AEAr) and in preclinical models produce potent analgesia with limited to no side effects. The second program from the Pasternak lab is a mitragynine derivative which we are looking to test in opioid use disorder.
We have received funding from NIH/NIDA to develop the lead arylepoxamide through a Phase 1 POC study. We are engaged in a collaboration with the DoD to further study the compound.
We are also collaborating with another major academic institution using cutting edge CNS imaging techniques to develop new drugs and devices for neuropsychiatric diseases. Neurologic and psychiatric diseases are heterogenous. We currently lack true biological methods to understand their diversity and underlying pathophysiology. As a result drug development in this therapeutic area has traditionally failed. Our technologies can bring precision medicine to neurology and psychiatry.
Management Team
Jeff Reich, MD
Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder
Annie Pasternak
Chief Business Offier
Scientific Founders
Gavril Pasternak
Company and Scientific Co-founder
Anne Burnett Tandy Chair of Neurology
Member and Laboratory Head
Molecular Pharmacology Program and Department of Neurology at MSK Professor of Neurology, Neuroscience, Pharmacology and Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College
Susruta Majumdar
Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Center for Clinical Pharmacology
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, MO
Ying-Xian Pan
Member of Department of Neurology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
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